Every day, Bäckerei Pass supplies thous- ands of people in the Düsseldorf vicinity with fresh bread and pastry. The traditional ba- kery uses the latest Pcdata LED displays for the distribution of all bread products to save up to one hour per day. Co-owner Christoph Pass: “Our employees also like to work with this distribution system. It is much quicker to see how many units they must distribute, have their hands free and they don‘t have to walk around so much.
Bäckerei Pass, established in 1962, has eigh- teen branches located in the area between Düs- seldorf and Leverkusen. The traditional bakery does not have to grow much more, says Chris- toph Pass, who manages the business with his sister, Dorothee. “Maybe a few more branches can be added, no more. If we become too big, we will no longer be able to offer the quality that we have become known for. Just look at the indust- rial bakeries that serve large parts of the country from a single location. They have to start baking the bread today that will be in the shops tomor- row. How can you still call that bread fresh?”
The breads and pastries from Bäckerei Pass have been baked in a central bakery south of Düsseldorf for the past 27 years. Five delivery vans depart on their first round to the branches at around five o’clock in the morning. The se- cond delivery follows between eight o’clock and half-past eight. The branches that then still need something, can expect a last delivery at around eleven o’clock. “Because all the branches are located within a radius of fifteen kilometres around the bakery, we can afford the luxury of delivering several times a day. This means fres- her products, but also more flexibility to respond to demand in the stores,” says Pass.