Pick to light opens doors for ASSA ABLOY
ASSA ABLOY is the global leader in door opening solutions, dedicated to satisfying enduser needs for security, safety and convenience. Comprising of operations in over 60 countries world-wide and with over 42,000 employees, they are uniquely placed to serve the global marketplace with a range of safe, convenient, secure and reliable automatic entrance solutions. The Besam division was incorporated into the ASSA ABLOY group in 2002 and are focused on pedestrian entrance systems for the commercial market worldwide. Quality is a key component in the suc-cess of this global organisation making it no surprise that they constantly look for ways to improve their production processes to unlock further gain in qua-lity improvement. At their production facility near Plzen in the Czech Repu-blic, ASSA ABLOY turned to Pcdata to improve their parts picking operation with the implementation of the PickStar pick-to-light system. The implementa-tion has led to significant increases in delivery reliability and accuracy of parts picking and thus led to the most impor-tant goal – customer satisfaction.